
Showing posts from June, 2020

Positive Parental Involvement and How it Leads to Success

Modern education is gradually doing away with a lot of traditional norms. For instance, the direct lecture method is losing its place on the throne. Written assignments are making way for projects. Teachers are taking a more personal approach to education and art is finally receiving its due respect. However, amidst all these transformations, one aspect of schooling is still constant. Parental engagement is still deemed necessary to the same level as it was in the past. But this factor has also seen a minor modification over the past decade where the preceding term is now “positive” rather than “active”. The  best play school in Greater Noida  now tries to apply positive parental involvement. And its implications are painting overwhelming success stories. What is positive parental involvement? Parental involvement in student education simply means availability of any one of or both the parents in the child’s academic journey. That can range from attending the school’s ...

How Much Screen-Time is Enough for Children While Learning?

The generation z has come into a world that was more familiar with portable gadgets and faster technology. Such is the level of penetration currently that toys have become digital and social meetings have become virtual. During such a time, modern parents have a herculean decision to make every single day as to how much screen time is enough for their children. Be it for educational or recreational purposes, what is the healthy digital diet? And then there has is this recent coronavirus pandemic that is obscuring the boundaries further. With schools shut, where can parents go but the online world to continue their children’s flow of education and attend classes without physical interaction? The suggested screen-time for students The American Academy of Pediatrics or the AAP had previously suggested that students below the age of two should have no exposure to screens at all. Even when some parents argue saying that some applications are directed to entertain or teach such young...