
Showing posts from October, 2019

Why are Sports So Important in a Student’s Life?

The overall growth of children must encompass both their mental and physical beings, and if education is directed towards the enhancement of the mind, then sports have a similar impact on the body. Physical activity acts as a positive catalyst for a student’s education. It works in an indirect manner to reinforce academics, inculcates life skills, and keeps the children motivated to achieve better. The  top 10 CBSE schools in Greater Noida  always acknowledge the importance of sports and infuses them in their core curriculum. Their necessity is truly unquestionable and the reasons are solid. Sports have direct physical benefits on children Humans, by nature, learn to master their body movements by experience. The more we move as a child, the better command we have over our motor functions. However, the advent of technology has made the lifestyle of children more sedentary where students prefer playing their games indoors and rarely participate in physical activity. Their...